A downloadable tool
Octavia is a Small Tool for managing Volume in Unity that can be ezaily conrolled directly white the anlog Slider(On Value Changed Event).
The Data or the values for the respectiv sound groups is saved in the Octavia Scriptable Object the needs do be Supplied to Every SoundPlayer that wants to use it.
The Values are later Saved to the Player Pref So they do not rest after relaunch.
Ocatavias Main Compoment is the Octavia ScriptableObject that is Create via the ScriptableOctavia c# Script
ScriptableOctavias Role is to Hold,Distribute and Save to Values of the Sliders and therefore the volume of the diffrent Sound types
Sound Types
SoundTypes are configured as an Enum in the ScriptableOctavia c# Script
The PreConfigured SoundTypes are:
These SoundTypes are used on the SoundPlayer to know which Volume to Get and Set
They are also used on the ScriptableObject/ on the Slider to know which Value to Change
The SoundPlayer Class is used to Controll the volume and play to Attachted Sound it can also play anther sound as the one set in the inspector when called from code via the Play() overide Play(audioclip)
The Soundplayer Suppcribs to the OnEventRaised Event on Start up which is set up to update its respectiv Sound Type
The SoundType pre SoundPlayer is set in the Inspctor via the Same SoundType Enum but can also be Changed during Rundtime via the SetSoundType(SoundType soundType) function
The SoundPlayer also has other options like Mute and Unmute or Loop and PlayOnAwake Note that the SoundPlayer Automaticly Attaches A AudioPlayer Unity Compoment that plays the Sound Which means that it is still Comapatabil with the other Unity Audio Compoments
Background Pic Credit: Photo credit: iNueng, Getty Images
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